Anxiety is a natural thing that can be experienced by everyone. You can feel anxious at any time, maybe especially when you have to make important decisions in life. Feelings of anxiety generally arise due to excessive stress on the state of an environment or new thing. Anxiety can be in the form of panic attacks, social anxiety disorder, or phobias or excessive fear of something. It’s just that anxiety should not be left alone, especially when the condition has reached excessive acute levels. When the anxiety that you experience is too excessive and occurs continuously, then this can actually cause mental disorders in you. If left unchecked, this mental disorder can certainly disrupt your daily activities, thereby reducing your performance. Meanwhile, you can visit http://yourhighesttruth.com if you want to try a traditional way to get rid of your excessive anxiety.
Some of the features or symptoms that usually accompany generalized anxiety disorder include:
Too easy to get angry without cause
Tired quickly and tired
Hard to sleep
The muscles feel tense
Excessive anxiety that cannot be controlled
It’s hard to focus and concentrate on one thing
The general characteristics that will be felt by all types of anxiety disorders are as follows:
The heart feels beating without control
Got a sudden fear or panic attack
The tips of the fingers or toes feel cold to numb
Shortness of breath
Dizziness to nausea
Mouth feels dry
The exact cause of anxiety disorders has yet to be investigated further. However, psychologists have found that there are several factors that can trigger excessive anxiety, namely:
Factors of traumatic events experienced in childhood
Economic pressure factors
Environmental factors that are too stressful
Growth and development history
Anxiety is a disorder that will attack a person’s psychological condition. Stress is one of the causes of excessive anxiety towards someone. Therefore, stress therapy will be one of the recommended therapies. Stress therapy itself can be done by way of relaxation with meditation. Stress management therapy should be accompanied by other therapies so that the results are optimal, including support from the closest people will certainly help recovery.