The many economic communities not only open the flow of trade in goods or services but also for workers in electrical installation engineering and others. The demands of industrial needs in the field of electrical power installation engineering require workers who have standardized and professional competencies. That is why it is important to check the nen 3140 cursus out for you could get the training you or your employees need.
The purpose of the electrical installation course is to equip students to have spiritual attitudes, social attitudes, knowledge, and skills so that they can be competitive in the field of Electrical Installation Engineering. Electrical Engineering (Electrical Engineering) is one of the fields of engineering science regarding the application of electricity to meet the needs of electric power on a large scale such as in industry and machinery.
Electrical Engineering deals directly with the availability of energy resources, energy transmission, and the impact of energy on the overall machine operating system. Electrical engineering works closely with engineers from other areas such as chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and civil engineering to design, develop, and assist in the production of a wide variety of products and services such as energy distribution systems, personal computers, satellite systems, handheld radios, radar systems, automobiles. electricity, and others involving electrical and electronic components.
Those who have completed their course in the Electrical Power Utilization Engineering Department are expected to:
– Able to operate electrical measuring instruments both manual and digital
– Able to design and install electrical networks for simple homes, offices, and high-rise buildings
– Able to design and install electric power and install electro motor control systems
– Develop educational resources optimally and sustainably to be able to compete in the era of globalization Increase awareness of school residents towards environmental preservation, cleanliness, beauty, order, health, kinship, discipline, and security
-Able to maintain and repair household electrical appliances
– Capable of repeating single-phase or 3-phase electric motor coils
– Able to plan electronic control systems and install commercial electrical installations.