When dieting, a lot of restrictions that must be lived. For example, you should not eat foods that contain lots of calories, carbohydrates, and so forth. However, if you are not allowed to eat foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates then you will definitely feel hungry fast. Hey, calm down, there are potatoes as a solution. Here on morgan hurst weight loss website, you can get some tips.
Potatoes are one source of calories and carbohydrates. However, even though the source of carbohydrates and calories, potatoes are not the cause of increased fat in the body. In fact, by consuming potatoes regularly can lose weight, why is that? Because even though potatoes are a source of carbohydrates and calories, the sugar content in potatoes is very low, lower than rice sugar levels.
Testing the benefits of the potato, the University of California researchers conducted a study of 86 people with obesity problems. In the study, they were told to diet with potatoes for approximately 12 weeks by eating 5-7 servings of potatoes in each week, and for the same 12 weeks, they were measured at the glycemic index. The potato that they consume themselves is a medium potato with 110 calorie content per fruit. The results of the study found a fairly high weight loss in those who are obese.
Losing weight is not only related to reducing certain types of food or even stopping eating certain foods. But it also reduces the intake of calories that enter the body. There is no evidence to suggest that potatoes can increase fat accumulation and cause obesity if processed in the right way.
Regarding how to process it, just steam potatoes or just buy processed potatoes, such as chips or porridge. It is recommended to process it into pulp only, why? Because by processing it into pulp, it will avoid oil which is a source of fat.