Having a wooden house by highlighting the color of the wood itself through the use of brown packaging when doing Woodstock painting, of course, indirectly gives you a natural feel to your wooden house. But natural shades are not only with the choice of brown and golden colors but other colors can also exude a sense of calm and comfort which might be the color of your choice to apply to your wooden house. In this case, the most important thing is that you already know what impression you want to highlight for your wooden house. The feeling of calm can be generated from colors like navy, green and dark gray. Either a light color or a dark color, these can both add a natural feel to a wooden house going here.

What you need to adjust is when your home’s wood material has a distinctive pattern, then between dark and light colors, this will only make your house look worn and ugly, which is a natural feel that should be able to arise because of the patterns possessed by wood. will look dead because it is covered with these colors or colors that don’t match. As for the interior, you also have to be able to adjust the color of the outside of your house so it doesn’t look weird. Starting from the roof, furniture, decorations, and so on, it must be adjusted appropriately.

And you apply this to the interior in the main part. Choosing a white color for the interior, it’s not wrong but you also need to pay attention to whether it matches or matches the color of the wooden walls of your house. If you are in doubt about this, then you can add the placement of objects that have contrasting colors to complement your home design.