Folic acid is part of the B group vitamin, precisely B9. Folic acid plays an important role in supporting various bodily functions. Folic acid is also very important to prevent the risk of birth defects in women who are planning to become pregnant and who are young. So, what foods contain high amounts of folic acid? You can ask Gynecology Singapore.
Folate forms the growth and regeneration of new cells, the formation of red blood cells, the development of the body and helps prevent DNA changes that can cause cancer. For women who are planning a pregnancy or are pregnant, folic acid helps prevent birth defects that have a direct impact on the brain and spine such as spina bifida and anencephaly. The researchers say intake of folic acid with the right dose can reduce the risk of pregnancy disorders by up to 72 percent. Folate deficiency can cause megaloblastic anemia, which is a red blood cell deformity that is larger than it should. This large red blood cell does not undergo division and does not develop completely. This results in a decrease in the number of red blood cells.
The human body cannot produce folic acid. Thus, you must meet this nutritional intake every day from healthy food sources. Different types of foods that contain folic acid are:
Foods sourced from animals such as chicken liver, beef liver, and poultry meat.
Green vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, celery, broccoli, beans, turnip greens, carrots, long beans, and lettuce.
Fruits such as avocados, citrus fruits (lime, lemon, grapefruit, etc.), beets, bananas, tomatoes, and cantaloupe or orange melons.
Grains such as sunflower seeds (watermelon seeds), oats and wheat processed products (pasta), and corn.
Nuts such as lentils, black plain beans, soybeans, kidney beans, green beans, and peas.
Cereals fortified with folate or folic acid.
Egg yolk.
Folate needs for each person are different both for children, adults, to the elderly. But in general, the adequacy of folate per day for each person is 400 micrograms (mcg). As for pregnant women, the folic acid intake will usually increase which ranges from 400 mcg – 600 mcg per day. This intake is adjusted to the gestational age and the advice of the doctor.