Packaged pet food in stores can be unhealthy for your dog. Sometimes, you also often provide homemade food for your dog. Not all foods can and are good to give to dogs. If you often feed your dog homemade food, it’s a good idea to pay attention to the foods suggested in this article. Meanwhile, if you have a problem with a dog that is a picky eater, perhaps you must purchase the best dog food toppers for picky eaters.
1. Before giving homemade food to your dog, you should consult a veterinarian. Some dogs may have allergies to certain foods.
2. A good diet for dogs contains 40% meat, 30% vegetables, and 30% starch.
3. Raw meat is a healthier choice compared to cooked meat. This is because raw meat still contains a lot of water which is good for maintaining fluid levels in your dog’s body. Cooking meat can also reduce the protein and vitamin levels in it.
4. Eggs with or without additional protein can be good food for your dog. These foods are rich in protein and nutrients.
5. Because dogs like bones, then you can give chicken bones for food. Give bones that are still fresh and not cooked.
6. Food for dogs still have to contain some veggies in it. If your dog is bloated from eating vegetables, then you should not give it.
7. Oatmeal, pasta, rice, and potatoes are rich in starch. This is an easy-to-make treat for your dog.
8. some foods can be dangerous if given to dogs. For example, garlic, grapes, raisins, onions, and artificial sweeteners.
Well, that’s the homemade food that you can give your pet dog. Now, start cooking and feeding your beloved dog. We hope this guide can help you to feed the best, the most delicious, and the healthiest food for your dog, so your dog can stay healthy, happy, and also well-behaved.